Hit Wall Project

In the lead up to the Multicultural festival, Sauce facilitated a series of workshops with the young people of Emerald. This hit wall was at the local tennis club in Emerald, so with the help of the young people, Sauce created a mural with design elements to suit the use and the location.

The stencil art workshops were also customised, as there were two different groups of participants. For the yellow side, the participants were 12-16 years old, which meant the mural was more stencil based and Sauce needed to complete the finer details of the design. On the blue side of the wall, the participants were 16 +. The older age bracket allowed for an intricate design with more details and a complex theme. 

Again, with these types of projects, it’s not possible to run programs without the fantastic support from dedicated community workers, so a massive thanks goes to the Emerald office of Anglicare CQ.


After a fortnight in Emerald, it was time to pack up the Mural Truck and get back on the road. This time, Sauce was headed to Barcaldine where he had arranged to paint at St. Joseph’s Primary School and in the CBD.


While Sauce was painting in the town centre, some feathered friends had a sticky beak at all the action. You can check out the excitement on Youtube. 



As always, Sauce made the most of his time out West and completed some canvas work and a backdrop for one of the locals in town.