
After completing numerous murals last September at Churchill State School I recently returned for another round. This time we focused on the hall completing artwork on the interior and the Kiss N Ride zone. The exterior was a challenge, not only due to its size and position in full sun but the windows, stairs and hot water unit informed the design to work with these elements as best as possible. I once again thoroughly enjoyed working with Churchill and I will have the Champions jingle in my head for some time!



Good times on the Southside with friends.



Sauce on the cans.


XIX LXIX by Sauce illuminates the possibilities of the space-time continuum, which as humans, we experience without consciousness. Earth is paradoxical by being both monumental and insignificant. Humanity is constantly seeking physical answers to metaphysical questions which creates barriers and restraints on our own freedom.


Sauce was thrilled to (finally) finish this mural in Brisbane this week. He created the mural over two days in the hot Brisbane sun, at a school in Mt. Gravatt. The principal graciously allowed Sauce to create this design at the school, as it was a challenge to find somewhere which suited the layout of this mural. If you’re thinking this image is familiar, then you’re right. This picture features as one of our postcard designs

in the studio in Murwillumbah

(Available for $3.00 in store. What a bargain!) and it also has

an interesting history

which can be traced back to Tasmania. 


Brisbane Pop Culture

January got off to a gutsy and gory start with a five day project at Brisbane Pop Culture, Newstead. Turtle and Em from Brisbane Tattoo requested an Invader Zim and Zombie theme to advertise their latest venture, Brisbane Pop Culture (previously Brisbane Relics), a store dedicated to pop culture collectables. Turtle and Em were great to work for and I really enjoyed the positive feedback from all the passerbys. The Brisbane summer sun and rain tried to get the best of me, but I managed to thrash out some zombies and aliens, regardless of the weather.


Photos by Sauce & Patricia Woods.


Winner of the Judge’s Choice Award The Wilderness Gallery Sheffield International Mural Fest 2011.

Day breaks and the sun begins to warm the concrete jungle. It is easy to ignore the natural environment and focus on a capitalist-centric trajectory. This is an expression of connection and disconnection: an illustration of dissonance among the birdsong. Is nature reconnecting or are the urban elements dominating?

Acrylic and aerosol on boards 4.8m X 2.1m Sheffield, Tasmania. 

Based on the theme poem Power of Community by PB Tewson: 

In the dawn bright with birdsong,

the people rise to watch the world open.