Sydney Spraycation

I recently headed south to the big smoke to catch up with several ex Brisbane mates and family I haven't seen in ages. I navigated my way around by using graff as a point of reference often finding myself saying "I know where I am, I passed this piece yesterday". I made a quick stop at Zigi's Art Wine & Cheese bar on THE coldest, windiest day ever but that didn't stop me from painting every day. Thanks to all of the artists who's work inspired me (Newtown is crazy) and my mates who took me to spots, lined up the maddest feeds and let me sleep on their couches...Mad respect to Wolf, Skon, Relik, Rome, Nevs & Switcher.

I can't wait to head back to Sydney to do it all over again...maybe in summer next time!

The Gym

This year, I’ve been super busy working all over Queensland, so when a local business in Murwillumbah requested my skills for their blank wall, I jumped at the chance. The management at The Gym were great to work with, as they wanted a design which was specifically graffiti art. The brief was to make it look like a real alleyway and to make it look dirty and grimy. This piece reinvigorated my enthusiasm for a simple and clean piece. I’m looking forward to the summer break so I can smash a few pieces just for fun.


Studio Direct

This month in The Sauce Studio we’ve said goodbye to some canvases and hello to some new faces. Sauce has enjoyed using the studio to focus on more canvas work and to utilize the space for cataloging, re-arranging and finalizing unfinished works. As an artist, the creative practice of creating new works is always a challenge, but having the studio helps with the mundane and organizational details necessary for a consistent artistic output. If you want to commission Sauce, feel free to contact us here, or drop by the studio in Murwillumbah.