
I had a blast contributing to Burringbar Public School’s 125 Year Celebrations recently. It was cool to catch up with friends from the area and re-connect with fellow past students. It was awesome to see the community get behind the celebrations and showcase what the village is all about.

The Return



The Return Sauce 2011


The main element binding the Tweed community together is the unique flora and fauna which is found in the Valley of Contrasts. The surrounding landscape with the lush rain forests, the undulating hills and mountains, the pristine coastline and the rare wildlife are the essential components to creating this magnificent place, which both locals and tourists appreciate. I feel privileged to call this magical caldera home, a place of friendship, fond memories and a sustainable future. 


Acrylic on canvass 60cm x 30cm




Final Glow


The correlation between graffiti art and the natural environment may be difficult to grasp immediately as graffiti art is typically linked with the inner-urban city environment, however this creation could be seen as a parallel universe where the ultimate mystery bursts from the earth in one final glow. This landscape concept is easily recognised however the abstract element asks us to look further, to question reality and see what may or may not coexist.  

Acrylic on canvas 76cm X 30.5cm