Big Bang

I have been fortunate to have been working with some very inspirational staff and students at The Queensland Academy for Science, Mathematics and Technology. Students from the Toowong campus participated in design and practical workshops to help create the 16m long refectory mural. As the mural depicts all things science I relied on the expertise of the students to ensure content was correctly executed and learnt a lot along the way.

Grantham, Laidley and Kensington Grove

The Urban Art project continues with plenty of action in Grantham, Laidley and Kensington Grove or “Hatto” if your local. I want to extend my appreciation to all of the artists, community members, skaters and riders for welcoming Aerograffix and getting involved in this exciting project.

Helidon, Forest Hill and Gatton

Weekends are keeping me busy with Lockyer Valley Regional Council. The Urban Art Project will reach each of the eight skateparks in the area. Council has erected small walls to create ownership and a youth friendly environment. Participation has been great and feedback from community groups very positive. Heres a sample from Helidon, Forest Hill and Gatton…plenty more to come!


From The Underground

Finalist in Redland Art Awards 2010.

Amongst the natural environment new forms emerge from the underground just as I have in my journey as an artist. It appears that the lettering form may have existed for some time or is it alien to this environment? Questions of co-existence are asked in this unlikely but compatible subject matter. Acrylic on canvas 80 X 40 cm.

News Article

A news article published on page 3 in the Bayside Bulletin 26th October 2010. Read the article and feel free to post a comment