
I escaped the cold winter briefly and headed to sunny North Queensland to visit family. While in town I was commissioned to do a large wall I had discussed with the owner a couple of years ago when I painted the stairwell. I explored several design concepts each using an illusion element and the owner chose the “funky” one. It was great to see this mural come to fruition and able to put the time in the wall deserved.

During this trip I delivered a canvas to its new home and as always no visit to cairns is complete without a paint session and a cold beverage with the talented and friendly locals, Mint & Wal.


2016 Wrap Up

Posting this has been difficult with ongoing internet issues but here's a belated wrap up of some of the highlights from last year.


After completing murals in Emerald, Barcaldine, Aramac and Muttaburra I headed to Cairns. It was great to visit family and complete a large interior commission. I also had the pleasure of collaborating with Mint and Wally who demonstrated some super fresh Far North Queensland graffiti funk. 

Ten One Twenty

Last week, Sauce headed off to Cairns to take care of some family things and while he was up there, he scouted around to find a good wall. Which was perfect timing, as Ten One Twenty, a gelato and coffee shop was opening at Edge Hill, Cairns and they were on the look out for an aerosol artist. No gig is without challenges, and Sauce tells me it was so hot, his shirt was dripping with sweat (Gross!). It was also difficult to source enough paint with all the different colours, but Sauce, fuelled with coffee and gelato battled on and created a sunset themed 3D graffiti piece. Maybe next time, we’ll make a proper holiday out of it.