/I had a great time at FSG's event Justice in the Park on Saturday. I took in the festival atmosphere and created something inspired by the energy on the day.
The Central Highlands Multicultural Festival which is in it’s tenth year gets bigger and better with each festival and this year was no exception. This time, Sauce facilitated a series of workshops incorporating aerosol art and hip hop culture leading up to the festival with the young people of Emerald and Blackwater. On the evening of the event there were more workshops and Sauce created several canvas pieces which the festival will auction off at a later date to raise funds for future festivities.
Sauce also caught up with Ethic Ill, an Emcee and DJ from Emerald who performed at the event. The festival was definitely a highlight of the tour, as Sauce was able to meet so many varied members of the public and by painting at these types of events, it allows Sauce to break down any stereotypes associated with aerosols. It was also encouraging to see another generation of young people learn and grow from the experiences of the workshops. Not to mention the management of the festival. It takes a mammoth effort to create this type of festival and it would not be possible for the event to flourish without all of the hard work from the management team or the volunteers, so a massive thanks goes out to all of them.
We hope that next year is bigger and better again! To stay up to date with all of the festivities, you can follow the Central Highlands Multicultural Festival on Facebook.