Fresh from my time in Tasmania, I am pleased to announce I won the judges choice for this year’s International Mural Fest, Sheffield. The week long paint off in Sheffield brings over ten thousand through Mural Park and the Shire of Kentish and is sponsored by The Wilderness Gallery. My work, after much discussion, was chosen for the $6000 prize by the judges based on the three different criteria of technique, originality and interpretation of the theme poem provided.
It was a real honor to be selected as a finalist as the calibre and experience of the other eight artists is very inspiring. I want to congratulate Kerry and Malcolm Nicholson, of Queensland for the amazing work “The Quilt” which was awarded highly commended. Patricia Smart, of New South Wales, picked up the most public votes during the week winning the peoples choice for “The World Open” and Marc Spijkerbosch, of New Zealand took the 2010 Peoples’ Choice Award for votes during the past year. Please visit the Mural Fest website for pictures of the finished works and artists in action.
I would like to thank my family, friends and fans who offered support throughout the paint off, all of the artists for participation in lengthy networking meetings at the Sheffield Hotel, Jelly Media and all of the sponsors. Most importantly I want to extend my appreciation to the Mural Fest committee and volunteers for everything including fresh mushrooms, spraypaint, transport, accommodation, lammingtons, cups of tea and all of the laughs. Thanks to the community of Sheffield for a great event.

“Connectivity” Aerosol and acrylic on boards 4.8m X 2.1m, Mural Park Sheffield Tasmania.

Mural Fest is sponsored by: The Wilderness Gallery, Slaters Country Store, Kentish Shire Council, The Sheffield Shed, Jelly Media, Lake Barrington Vineyard, Sheffield Hotel, Tasmanian Alkaloids, Targa Tasmania, Tasmazia, Cradle Mountain Candy Company, Southern Cross, Sea FM, Sheffield Cabins, Pioneer Holiday Cabins, IGA Express, Kentish Hills Retreat, AAA Granary Accommodation, Treloar Transport, Barrington General Store, Caltex Sheffield, BJR Chain & Engineering Supplies, Commonwealth Bank, Turnbulls Pharmacy, Highlander Restaurant, Railton Motor & Tyre, Kirtek, Clematis Nursery, Cement Australia, Ibbotts, Skwiz Cafe, Carinya Farm, Mayor Don Thwaites, Sheffield RSL, World of Marbles, Sheffield Newsagency, Aplaca Man, Sheffield Medical Centre, The Don Store and Sup-Ply.