
Once again I find myself kicking off the new year with commissions at Oxenford State School. This time around I took on an almost 50m long awning of the Administration building and worked some magic on the tuck shop. There were a number of contractors onsite through the holiday period and itā€™s great to be a part of new works. Capturing some of the native flora was fitting as just over a year ago a bunch of eucalyptus were destroyed on school grounds in a tornado. The gardens are growing back and the fauna is singing. Itā€™s always a pleasure working in conjunction with fabulous school staff and P&C.

2024 Wrap Up

Another year comes to a close and itā€™s been a roller coaster here at The Sauce Studio. My priority has been to support a close family member who has been unwell since January. I also took some time out to manage my own health as I suffered a chronic pain flare up which impacted my ability to work over several months. Despite all this going on I managed to do a few trips out west to complete numerous regional projects and squeezed in some commissions with schools on the Gold Coast, Brisbane, Logan and Moreton Bay. A big thanks to my clients and friends in Aramac, Blackall, Burringbar, Carina, Chinchilla, Emerald, Goovigen, Longreach, Muttaburra, Nerangba, Oxenford, Regents Park, Tambo, Waterford West and Winton.

My trusty sidekick Mac & I are very much looking forward to catching you in the new year with the current schedule fully booked into March. Thanks for your support, feel free to share my work and catch you in 2025.

Waterford West

It was a pleasure to kick off the year with a fun piece at Waterford West State School. After completing the Tuckshop & Uniform Shop last year it is great to re-connect with the P&C for another project. The wall was in need of some TLC so I scraped back several layers, prepared the surface and applied several coats of paint. It was great to be a part of this positive initiaveā€¦Be Kind, Be Brave, Be you!