
The new decade kicked off with a couple of projects in Emerald, Central Queensland. I completed the first stage of a project with Emerald State High School which saw a stack of positive messages in focus. I also completed a number of artworks for the Green Space Youth Drop in. This is an initiate of Central Highlands Regional Council, PCYC & Anglicare. Putting a day between projects to use to paint a new piece at the local BMX track wall made for a super productive couple of weeks.

2019 Wrap Up

I want to say thanks to all who have supported The Sauce Studio throughout the year. This year saw numerous tours Central & Western Queensland my home away from home. I also completed commissions in Cairns along with a few projects across Brisbane, Gold Coast and Tweed. As always it’s been a variety of public art commissions, youth and community projects and the odd private commission. 

It’s been great to connect with new friends and continue relationships with existing clients, some for almost 20 years now. Using my skills to pay the bills is cool but the best thing is to see people engage with art, particularly in a public setting. The friendships and travel adventures also make me genuinely humbled by your support and awesomeness. 

It hasn’t all been smooth sailing though, professionally it has tough at times witnessing both Redland City and Brisbane City remove hard earned and successful projects. These incidences highlight a disregard for councils own policies and ongoing exclusionary practices. Any incentive to do your art legitimately has long gone and I can safely say over the course of my career I have had more issues with clients breaching contracts than with any vandalism by wayward youth.

Personally I have struggled with chronic pain at times from a condition which has forced me to slow down considerably in the past few years. I will however continue painting large scale murals for as long as my health allows and as long as it remains sunny in Queensland…and it’s always sunny in Queensland!

I am looking forward to many more adventures in 2020 so after a short break I will be back splashing paint around your neighbourhood.


Burleigh Heads

I really enjoyed working with Lifeline to create a visual merchandising backdrop for the Burleigh Heads store. With the artwork to serve as backdrop I originally envisaged a more abstract design but the client provided some references I was happy to work with a cartoon style approach & it turned out great. Its not everyday I get to paint alongside a red headed roller skating mannequin but I guess were both doing our jobs, to get customers in the door.


I had a busy week creating two murals for residents, staff and visitors of the dementia facility at the Southern Cross Care facility at South Tweed. The artworks depict local landscapes to engage residents and provide a point of reference and discussion in the living and hall areas. During application I quickly realised my artwork was merely complementing the efforts provided by a bunch of dedicated staff. It was heartwarming to witness the care provided by staff and visitors alike…sometimes the most challenging environments and interactions can be the most rewarding.


I had a blast contributing to Burringbar Public School’s 125 Year Celebrations recently. It was cool to catch up with friends from the area and re-connect with fellow past students. It was awesome to see the community get behind the celebrations and showcase what the village is all about.

Mt Cotton


I was assigned the task of completing an addition to the memorial wall at Mt Cotton State School. It is never and I hope the artwork brings joy to the memories and assists with the healing/grieving process. The great manners and initiative of students to open the gate while my hands were full put a smile on my face.

Mt Cotton State School I think was the the first school I completed a project back in 2000 or 2001. I have enjoyed a great relationship with the school with 9 Murals over the years, each still serving well. Previous principals and teachers have engaged my services at their new schools and many of these works have been great folio examples. 

Tweed Valley

On my last adventure I had the pleasure of delivering canvasses to new homes. I haven’t had a lot of time in my Tweed Valley studio this year but have managed to complete some new work between projects interstate.

One of the commissions was on behalf of the community of Aramac who sought a leaving gift for a much loved family. It was challenging to apply to four stepped canvasses but it turned out great capturing everything in the brief and I hope it sparks great memories for the owners.

I also caught up with some friends in the area for some barn shenanigans and live music on pretty much my only day off between woking on new projects…Beers & beats in the barn to sooth the soul for a Sunday session.



Great things happen at North. It was fantastic to return to Emerald North State School after completing the tuck shop project last year. This time my skills were put to use on a large welcoming mural and teaching block 4 also received some attention with an illusion mural with cartoon elements. It was a pleasure to return and see familiar faces amongst the school community.


It was great to return to St Joseph’s Primary in Barcaldine recently. I had the opportunity to brighten up a number of spaces. It was great to be a part of some of the new things happening at the school, see familiar faces and meet new ones. The friendly staff and students at Joey’s always make me feel welcome.


I escaped the cold winter briefly and headed to sunny North Queensland to visit family. While in town I was commissioned to do a large wall I had discussed with the owner a couple of years ago when I painted the stairwell. I explored several design concepts each using an illusion element and the owner chose the “funky” one. It was great to see this mural come to fruition and able to put the time in the wall deserved.

During this trip I delivered a canvas to its new home and as always no visit to cairns is complete without a paint session and a cold beverage with the talented and friendly locals, Mint & Wal.
