Hit Wall Project

In the lead up to the Multicultural festival, Sauce facilitated a series of workshops with the young people of Emerald. This hit wall was at the local tennis club in Emerald, so with the help of the young people, Sauce created a mural with design elements to suit the use and the location.

The stencil art workshops were also customised, as there were two different groups of participants. For the yellow side, the participants were 12-16 years old, which meant the mural was more stencil based and Sauce needed to complete the finer details of the design. On the blue side of the wall, the participants were 16 +. The older age bracket allowed for an intricate design with more details and a complex theme. 

Again, with these types of projects, it’s not possible to run programs without the fantastic support from dedicated community workers, so a massive thanks goes to the Emerald office of Anglicare CQ.

Emerald Aquatic Centre

The Emerald Aquatic Centre was the first gig Sauce had waiting for him in Emerald, and he was there for six days completing the cartoon murals for the children’s area. Sauce met the manager of the centre on his previous trip to Central Queensland, as the manager was looking for something to smarten the place up before the busy summer season. 

The manager was so impressed with the children’s area, he commissioned Sauce to paint an entrance mural too. 



Coalstoun Lakes State School

Once Mooshka received a revamp, it was time to get back in the Mural Truck and head to Coalstoun Lakes State School.  

Sauce worked with the principal Mr. Reed a few years ago in Muttaburra, so it was great to reconnect with old friends and it was even better to see an early career principal leading the way and reinvigorating the school community.

After creating several murals throughout the school during the week, Sauce also squeezed in a 3D piece before his next stop, the Emerald Aquatic Centre

Bedroom Murals

Sauce held a cracking pace while out west, and in between facilitating workshops and completing two murals at the Emerald Aquatic Centre, he whipped up two interior murals for a local Emerald family. Since this was an interior commission, it was a little tricky to use strictly aerosols, so these murals are 99% brush work. 

This brushwork allowed Sauce to get clean crisp lines for the brick work in the Rabbit mural and since paint was in limited supply by that stage of the tour, it ensured Sauce was able to deliver the final product to the client without disappointment. 


If you’re thinking of adding some colour to your home, then get in contact with us. 

Central Highlands Multicultural Festival



The Central Highlands Multicultural Festival which is in it’s tenth year gets bigger and better with each festival and this year was no exception. This time, Sauce facilitated a series of workshops incorporating aerosol art and hip hop culture leading up to the festival with the young people of Emerald and Blackwater. On the evening of the event there were more workshops and Sauce created several canvas pieces which the festival will auction off at a later date to raise funds for future festivities. 

Sauce also caught up with Ethic Ill, an Emcee and DJ from Emerald who performed at the event. The festival was definitely a highlight of the tour, as Sauce was able to meet so many varied members of the public and by painting at these types of events, it allows Sauce to break down any stereotypes associated with aerosols. It was also encouraging to see another generation of young people learn and grow from the experiences of the workshops. Not to mention the management of the festival. It takes a mammoth effort to create this type of festival and it would not be possible for the event to flourish without all of the hard work from the management team or the volunteers, so a massive thanks goes out to all of them.


We hope that next year is bigger and better again! To stay up to date with all of the festivities, you can follow the Central Highlands Multicultural Festival on Facebook.

MTN Australia

The might fine folk at MTN Australia featured Sauce on their blog! As an independent artist, it’s always exciting to receive recognition for your efforts. 

Sauce has always used the best quality paint he can source. Since his artwork is his best form of advertising, he can’t afford to be associated with poor quality, which is why he made the choice to exclusively use MTN 94. 

In the Sauce Studio, we also think it’s a perfect match since Sauce started paining in 1994, which was the same year MTN was created. It can’t be a coincidence!


Exit 75

When I said Sauce was busy, I wan’t exaggerating! He managed to smash out this Stomper on the Gold Coast over two days. It was in the pipeline for a while, as Sauce know it would be a mission to finalize. During this time, we received word that another Writer, Polka passed away, so it was fitting this wall would be a tribute to the young man who died too soon. 

There were heaps of different challenges to negotiate, from lining up paints to having enough space on site. The wall which is visible from the motorway, doesn’t have many neighboring buildings, so the ‘nature strip’ was more of an overgrown tangle of weeds with a large and steep drop. The lack of buildings also meant Sauce was unable to source power for his airless spraygun so the background was done with rollers. He was definitely stinky when he came home, so I can assure you plenty of sweat went into this wall.

This wasn’t the first time Sauce had painted here. Previously, an old friend Roms had organised permissions for the wall, but over time Roms had other things to manage and he graciously handed it over to Sauce to maintain.

Strive to Excel

In between the Brisbane Buddah and the piles of paperwork which are taking over the studio, Sauce headed out to Upper Mt Gravatt State School where he added some signs and painted a mural. 

The hand painted signs were a deviation from his usual work, however the school wanted something which had longevity and was visually striking. The mural in the ball court wasn’t Sauce’s first work at the school, as earlier in the year he created a cultural mural which the pupils at the school loved. 


The Dragon and the Buddha

This smiling Buddah was for a heavy metal dude in suburban Brisbane. I received a call while Sauce was on his previous tour of Central QLD, for an enquiry about a mural with the aurora borealis, a Chinese Buddah and a dragon. It sounded great, but we needed to be patient, as Sauce only had a few weeks in-between his next trip away. 

The family who commissioned this mural were great to work with. Not only were they patient, they entertained Sauce with great rotation of heavy metal while being a pleasure to work with. The design elements were easy, since they had a clear idea about what they wanted, but they also let Sauce take some artistic licence where necessary. 
Apparently, the family were so happy with the outcome, they were arguing amongst themselves as to whose idea it was to get Sauce to the mural! We think it looks pretty rad as Buddah is always an effective image to work with.